FRIDAY WIND DOWN: 1st  of May, 2015 – Tattoo edition

FRIDAY WIND DOWN: 1st  of May, 2015 – Tattoo edition

Felix Scholz


This week’s edition of the FWD goes out to @BenjaminLaukis Time+Tide’s preferred (and Melbourne based) Tattoo artist. As a tribute to Benjamin, whose work by the way boggles the mind, this edition is tattoo themed.

So, to begin, here is a review of the Linde Werdelin Oktpus II Tattoo edition, and the Romaine Jerome Tattoo DNA. If there are any more tatt themed watches out there, we suspect that’s a few too many. Apart from this watch-themed tattoo of course, which is amazing. Rolex_Enforcer, avert your eyes.

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What happened?

Hodinkee tatt
Image via HODINKEE.

The New York Times wrote a piece on tattooed Hodinkee columnist and occasional musician John Mayer’s love of watches. It was open. It was real. It was torn apart by Gawker. Sample text: “As the old adage goes, I don’t care to belong to a club that would have John Mayer as a member.” Ouch.

A Spanish kid tried to lift our logo. Bueno! In a sign that we have really made the big leagues, a to-remain-handle-less 12-year-old made our logo his profile pic. Flattery maybe. Felix asked very nicely if he would take it down. Many LOLs were had. Muchas gracias niño!

What really mattered?

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Siri owned us. Pretty hard actually.

Word of the week

RANDOM’ – how members of the Waterhouse family describe the nature of giving a Patek Philippe watch to another Waterhouse family member at Christmas time*.

*This comment is motivated by jealousy

Humblebrag Time

We wore a Heuer 01 into the TAG Heuer boutique on Collins and the manager freaked out. But he did it so quietly. When we asked him if he’d noticed (which was mean, sure) he put his eyes back in his head and said it would have been rude to ask. That is professionalism. By the way, the watch is way bigger, bolder, better than it looks in the Basel pics. TAG global also reposted our V4 story, which did not hurt our traffic all that much. Thank you TH.

The week in numbers

11.4million – The number of followers TAG Heuer’s ambassador lioness Cara Delevingne has. THAT’S OVER HALF OF AUSTRALIA
0 – The number of us that work at GQ Australia
1970 – The number of Speedmaster Apollo 13 Silver Snoopy Awards that have been sold. Out of 1970. This is what happens when a Ltd Edn goes very, very right. Sorry guys. Done, dusted.
3 – The number of hours therapy you’ll need if you deeply analyse @benjaminlaukis’ Instagram account. Do it though!
21.5 – Felix’s wrist circumference. GET THE MAN A TAILORED SHIRT. He needs cuff support.
44 – The right size in mms for the Breitling Blackbird Avenger. Not the original 48mm, I mean how many hours do you expect us to spend in the gym Breitling?