Letter from the Editor Letter from the Editor

Letter from the Editor

Felix Scholz


Welcome to Time and Tide!

It’s so exciting to be able to write the above sentence. You see, Time and Tide has been a long time in the making, and it’s a great feeling to finally launch. Time and Tide is a place to tell stories. Stories about watches and about the people who wear them.

Why watches?

In a world where built in obsolescence has become the norm, and every electronic accessory has a clock, we think there is still a place for a fine mechanical watch. In fact we’d argue that now more than ever the mechanical watch is an essential marker of style and taste. We recognize that without the wearer a mechanical watch is only a very expensive and complicated chunk of metal.

While we will review watches and provide the latest watch-news, but it’s the watch in context that really excites us. We want to tell stories about the people who wear watches; what they wear them with, and what they do when they wear them. History, travel, style. We will write original feature length stories and behind the scenes insights into the world of watches.

These will be the stories Time and Tide tells.

We are a place for everyone with a love of watches. We won’t baffle you with reference numbers and infinite minutia of movements. We will talk about the technical side of things, but also about the sartorial aspects of watches. We’re about the watch in the context of the wearer. We want to build a community of like-minded watch lovers, we want to share our knowledge and passion, telling the stories that you want to hear, and about the watches you love. So if you have any questions, comments or ideas, please get in touch. (LINK)

Thank you for being with us at the start of what will be a great journey.

Felix Scholz,