We asked Andrew six hard-hitting questions on his first six months with the Zenith Chronomaster Sport.

We asked Andrew six hard-hitting questions on his first six months with the Zenith Chronomaster Sport.

Matt Pickering

During a shoot in that small window in between lockdowns in Melbourne, Andrew and I were discussing some of our favourite pieces we’d seen and tried on this year. Despite not having the usual bulk access at major fairs, we’ve still had some great watches in the office to ogle. One of the first watches we got hands on with was the Zenith Chronomaster Sport. Andrew put an order in pretty much on the spot and it hasn’t really left his wrist since.

Andrew shared his initial thoughts in one of our best performing videos of the year. You can check out that video here if you haven’t already.

I was asking him some hard hitting questions after owning it for six months, until we decided to stop talking and roll tape.

Is it still love? Watch the video to find out.