VIDEO: Why I love my watch – with Andre Agassi
Felix ScholzAndre Agassi’s response to the question, “Are you into watches?” didn’t exactly go to script. “Not at all. I have no interest in them,” he said. It’s not the first time we’ve spoken at length to someone who doesn’t identify as a ‘watch person’ per se. Mark Bouris is one, Mark Richards another. But this really was a first. An interview subject, at the start of a 30-minute interview, declaring our whole subject area a dead zone. Ok then?
There was a five second pause, and I let it be because he looked like he was going to continue talking. “But I’ve come to appreciate what watches mean to people…” He was off. Andre ended up landing on one of the most elegant, eloquent descriptions of why people like watches that I’ve ever heard. And, spoiler alert, he does actually have pretty deep feelings for a watch in his own collection.
Typical Andre, really. When you ask about any topic, you’d better be ready to go deep, because it’s a place where he – after a few minutes of feeling you out – seems to feel most comfortable. Abandoning certain conventions of conversation to answer as honestly, as unflinchingly as possible is the way he rolls. He was an intense combatant on the tennis court, and he’s no less formidable in conversation.