From Tom Brady to Lewis Hamilton, how do IWC get the GOATs as their ambassadors?

From Tom Brady to Lewis Hamilton, how do IWC get the GOATs as their ambassadors?

Nick Kenyon

Before Lewis Hamilton was sponsored by IWC through his Mercedes AMG team, he had only won one Formula One Championship. How many has he won since becoming the brand’s ambassador in 2013? An incredible six, only once finishing outside the top three drivers. Was it pure chance that IWC began their relationship with him just as he was on the cusp of greatness, or was there something more to it? It’s a valid question given that Hamilton isn’t the only GOAT who’s also an IWC ambassador. NFL superstar Tom Brady, after all, also hangs his coat in the Schaffhausen stable too. So why are IWC so adept at selecting top-notch ambassadors?

“We’re very lucky,” admits IWC CEO Chris-Grainger Herr, which might sound like a modest comment, but actually has more than a kernel of truth to it. Ambassador choices always involve a certain amount of clairvoyancy, but with Hamilton and Brady, both decisions proved extremely successful.

Tom Brady, Lewis do IWC get the GOATs as ambassadors?

Chris-Grainger Herr also covers the James Corden interview of both Lewis Hamilton and Tom Brady where they discuss how they came to love watches and the way in which their split-second decision making has seen them become so successful in their sports. Enjoy!