RECOMMENDED READING: Menswear legend Sid Mashburn explains his watch collection

RECOMMENDED READING: Menswear legend Sid Mashburn explains his watch collection

Felix Scholz

Sid Mashburn is a veteran menswear designer with an eponymous label. He also has quite nice taste in watches. Mr Mashburn, his clothes and his watches are all on show in this video from US-based retailer Crown & Caliber. 

I’ve found that there’s usually a degree of overlap in the Venn diagram of clothes guys and watch guys, and this video certainly supports that thesis. Clearly, Sid comes from the sartorial side of the fence and looks at watches primarily through that lens, which is always interesting. What I loved most, though, was just how well worn his mid ’80s Rolex Explorer is. That watch has seen a life, and looks so much the better for it. Something the safe queens in watchland would do well to remember. 

Image: Crown & Caliber.

Watch the whole video (and read the accompanying article) here. 
