RECOMMENDED READING: Taking the DOXA SUB 200 over the water, but not into it

RECOMMENDED READING: Taking the DOXA SUB 200 over the water, but not into it


Kayaking isn’t the sport that immediately comes to mind when you think of DOXA, given that your DOXA is most comfortable hundreds of metres under the water, not necessarily on a narrow boat above the water. But that is exactly where fellow watch writer Sophie Furley from Watchonista took two different DOXA models on quite a cold looking adventure recently, paddling out over Lake Brienz in Switzerland. On the wrists were the DOXA SUB 200 with the turquoise dial, as well as the classic DOXA orange dial SUB 200 T.GRAPH, which represent the diversity of options within the current DOXA lineup.

Doxa SUB 200
The DOXA SUB 200 with turquoise dial.

Doxa SUB 200

While it wasn’t the sort of activity that Sophie had experience in, the kayaking proved to be enjoyable, with the turquoise dial of the DOXA SUB 200 perfectly complementing the milky blue glacier-fed lake water they sat atop. Likewise, the SUB 200 T.GRAPH fitted into the activity seamlessly, offering an option to track the time since they left the lake’s shore, and delivering a pop of orange that matched one of their kayaks.

Doxa SUB 200

Doxa SUB 200

For a full account of the DOXA-timed journey across the lake, find the Watchonista article right here.