In the Metal: Marcus explains how to recover from a f*ck up

In the Metal: Marcus explains how to recover from a f*ck up

Marcus Flack

Sometimes in life, we misstep. Despite our gut telling us to stop, we plough onwards believing it’ll be alright in the end, only to finally have to accept defeat, hold our heads in shame, and try our best not to think about how much time we wasted because we let your confidence get in the way.

Well, this latest episode of In the Metal is a grade-A lesson in when to stop. However, instead of lifting up the mattress and hiding my shame where no one would find it, I thought it better to share it with the rest of the world. After all, a little self-deprecation never goes astray. And if people can learn from my mistakes, and be entertained a little along the way – then so be it.

fleming series 1 tantalum dial close up

I was pretty sick when I did this shoot. So maybe that explains my can-do attitude (or can’t-be-f*cked attitude) – not sure what best describes my approach. Anyway, I got all the way to the end of a shoot and realised it was completely wrong. Even my wife walked into my office to witness the guilty look on my face and she had to double-take.

“What on earth were you thinking?”, she asked, as I stood there, pretending not to know what she was talking about, as she broadly gestured to the dog’s breakfast on the screen. Now my wife isn’t one to normally speak up, so when she finally chimes in with such an opinion. I knew I needed to pay attention.

fleming series 1 tantalum wrist

So why don’t you come along for the journey and learn about two major aspects of watch photography: composition and reflections. And even if you’re not into photography, you’ll get to gawk over Fleming’s new Series 1 in all its tantalum glory – the movement just might blow your mind, as it did mine.