FRIDAY WIND DOWN: 29th May, 2015

FRIDAY WIND DOWN: 29th May, 2015

Andrew McUtchen


The barmaid is smiling, bless her, we’re smiling, hopefully you’re smiling too; it’s Friday and it’s time for the Friday Wind Down! What word could possibly describe the last five days? When we decided to forgo all but Australian watches for a whole five business days, we did so without really considering the consequences. Lucky for us, they were pretty much all positive. Our traffic on the site was phenomenal, the buzzy chatter on Insta got us through writing all those lengthy reviews (Felix has RSI, so if you shake his hand tonight at the pub, go easy tiger) and the all-Aussie #sexpile at the end of the week, when all the watches came back to the office after a week in the studio getting primped, preened and beautifully photographed, well, it made it all worth it. This might, in fact, be the first all-Aussie #sexpile ever recorded. My parents will be so proud I made this happen.

Now, back to the smiling lass above. This is where we’re going, right now. This is the actual pub where we will turn a pile of locally made watch product into a (hopefully) heaving mass of watch loving humans. The room we’ve booked is small – we can’t tell you where it is right here, but if you want details, you can inbox us, and if we’re not otherwise engaged, we’ll spill.

What happened.

The world freaked out about Rafa’s Richard Mille, and the fact that it costs, like 800 grand. This is close to a facepalm, isn’t it? These non-watch-obsessed civilians. So upsettable. I’m much more concerned that Andy Murray’s entourage’s bar tab was only four grand after winning a major. We’ll be giving that figure a nudge tonight I reckon. Come on team. After all, we’re buying.


What actually mattered.

It mattered more than life itself that our logo was ringing the Sydney Cricket Ground on Thursday while Carlton and Sydney trained in preparation for tonight’s game.


What didn’t matter.

Around the office we have a saying that gets us through nearly every situation. It is, “What would Charlie Sheen do?” When we’ve figured that out, we do the opposite. But we have to admit, Charlie might have been right about John Mayer. Earlier this year he said, about Mayer’s attempt to sue his watch dealer: ‘This d*****bag tried to bump my Rolling Stone cover and screwed Bob in the process and went behind both our backs,’ Sheen said at the time. ‘This ain’t about watches’. Whatever it was about, it’s over, with Mayer this week dropping charges and admitting he was wrong to have brought them.



The week in numbers.

546: The number of likes on the Melbourne Watch Company Portsea

546: The number of beers we have budgeted to consume tonight. And then there’ll be yours on top of that.

546: Andrew’s heart rate when he saw the Time+Tide logo on the SCG

4400: The most expensive Aussie watch we covered this week, the Bausele Terra (or ‘Terror’ if you prefer, look at that thing) Australis

389: The price in AUD of the least expensive Aussie watch we covered this week, the Erroyl E30 Heritage White.