FRIDAY WIND DOWN: 25th November 2016 – the metal AF edition

FRIDAY WIND DOWN: 25th November 2016 – the metal AF edition

Andrew McUtchen

Editor’s note: Sometimes things take on a life of their own. Like, for example, when you ask Instagram if anyone can think of some watch-themed heavy metal band names? The wave of mutilations suggestions that followed hit us like a Vulgar Display of Power. It gave the week a serious metal twist and since then we’ve built a Spotify playlist purely from the comments list, which we’re listening to right now. Somehow, the playlist also became a music festival – The Tourbillon Tour, cue flames – with separate stages, and a T-shirt. So, this week we’ve abandoned our usual FWD format to go pure, 11 out of 10 metal. I just had to explain that, with all due respect, this Wind Down is 100 per cent your fault dear Time+Tide followers. With love, and intense respect for your creativity.


We’re gearing up for festival season down under. Camping plans are being organised (if you own a van this is your time to shine), set-lists are being studied and your weekends from now until March are fully booked with Meredith, Falls, Laneway and the more boutique backyard affairs that seem to emerge of their own accord as soon as the weather gets good. But hold the phone people, there’s a new festival on the circuit. Time+Tide, in partnership with AJ Maddah is proud to announce the inaugural Tourbillon Tour 17 – featuring the biggest, best and bad-ass-est horological heavy metal bands out there.* m/

Mainplate Mainstage

16:00 F.P. Journey (requested by @andygreenlive)

17:15 Blue Öyster Perpetual Cult (feat. Will Ferrell on cowbell) (requested by @michaeldaniel75)

18:45 Nine Inch Nomos (requested by @matbeyer)

19:15 Omegadeth (requested by @gmtplus10 )

20:30 Söhnedgarden, playing all the hits of their classic album Supercomplicationunknown (Yep, @michaeldaniel75)

21:45 Black Bay Sabbath (@michaeldaniel75 again)

23:00 Metallica  (playing the breakthrough 1986 album Speedmaster of Puppets in full) (@michaeldaniel75)

Australian Independent’s Stage

18:00 Cosmic Seikos (Yay, we got one in)

19:15 Crowded In-house (we’re claiming them) (@michaeldaniel75 all day)

20:30 Escapemental As Anything (@michaeldaniel75)

Salon International de Chill-Out Stage

20:30 KD Lange, playing her hit album Ingeniuer (His name starts with ‘M’)

23:00 Bell & Sigur Rós (He was born in ’75)

We can confirm that Richard Milli Vanilli are no longer playing, as it was discovered they were quartz powered. Likewise The Black Bay City Rollers and Hu T and the Blot Fish have been banned from performing, simply because they’re great puns, but awful, awful bands. Not metal.

*This is not really happening, it’s a work of fiction. Please don’t tweet about us AJ Maddah. Also, special thanks to all our festival organisers @michaeldaniel75 @andygreenlive @syn.chronous @gmtplus10 @le_watch_samourai @matbeyer @atticusfinch1 @durjoydhaka @whatchsdotcom @mathewcowden @thewatchbloke