FRIDAY WIND DOWN: 18th August, 2017 – the watches you chose for the end of the world, inc. Seiko, Rolex, UTS and Citizen

FRIDAY WIND DOWN: 18th August, 2017 – the watches you chose for the end of the world, inc. Seiko, Rolex, UTS and Citizen

Andrew McUtchen
Make sense, not war! Stay safe everybody.

Like many story ideas we brainstorm together on a Monday morning, ‘end-of-the-world watches’ seemed to be a winner at the time. But now that we’re at the end-of-the-week, that mushroom cloud image makes us cringe. It’s all just become a tad too real. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t thought a lot about our Guam followers this week. And, for that matter, our Seoul buddies, not to mention the northern reaches of Australia that could also be affected by nuclear fallout. Not comedic at all, really.

The good news story though is that while about 10 percent of commenters on the question –what would you wear on your wrist at the end of days? – made the fairly reasonable point that they would have other things on their mind, the rest were happy to play along and list their apocalypse-ready wrist wear. So, in a themed Friday Wind Down, we’re picking out the lightest, most lol-worthy responses to a post that was never intended to cause any kind of existential malaise. No matter where you are, please charge your glass and hug your loved ones a little tighter. Right after you’ve enjoyed these stirling suggestions, all pulled from our Instagram. To see and join the conversation still raging on Facebook, click here. Have great weekends everybody.