FOLLOWER REVIEW: David’s Tissot Couturier

FOLLOWER REVIEW: David’s Tissot Couturier

Andrew McUtchen

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Your name: David

Follow: @david_witko

Your watch: Tissot Couturier

When – did you get this watch?

It’s been two years with my daily Tissot Couturier and I’ve gotta say I still love her as much as the day we met.

Why – do you love this watch?

I wear my watch from morning to night, so it must have a clear, easily readable face and can be dressed up or down whether I’m at a job, casting or event. The other reason is that it gives me satisfaction being aesthetically pleasing and minimal from a design perspective. It also has a good strong clasp so I don’t lose it, a good quality build and overall still a classy yet less expensive watch to bang around all day that still impresses.

David’s beloved Tissot Couturier in sunny Melbourne