RECOMMENDED READING: First impressions from an A. Lange & Söhne Odysseus owner

RECOMMENDED READING: First impressions from an A. Lange & Söhne Odysseus owner

James Robinson

Most of you reading this will have already heard of Gary Getz, or, as he goes by on his Instagram nom de guerre, GaryG (@garyg_1). But if for some reason you haven’t stumbled across his ’gram page or heard of him at a horological gathering, believe me when I say, the man hath some nice watches. In fact, it’s probably easier to think of Getz’s collection of timepieces as an assortment of some of the most revered and sought-after grail watches on the planet.

A judge at last year’s Grand Prix d’Horlogerie de Genève, and a regular columnist for Quill & Pad, Getz recently wrote about his experience of purchasing and taking possession of one of 2019’s most talked about and contentious timepieces — the A. Lange & Söhne Odysseus.

A. Lange & Söhne Odysseus First impressions

To say that Getz has performed a deep dive on Lange’s first steel sports watch is perhaps a bit of an understatement, and he’s accompanied his words with myriad excellent photos chronicling the process of unboxing, adjusting links and wearing the steely timepiece.

It’s a great read, and if you’re still on the fence about the Germanic integrated sports watch, this article goes a fair way to answering questions and shedding light on what may well turn out to be a very successful timepiece for the Glashütte firm. Click here to read it.