14 Inspiring Quotes from James Cameron’s Deepsea Challenge 3D Movie
Andrew McUtchenA few weeks ago I interviewed adventurer, diver and occasional film-maker James Cameron on his recent, Jules Verne-esque descent to the bottom of the Mariana Trench. That time we focussed mainly on his two Rolex watches – one of which he’s worn for 30 years, the other of which is a brand new tribute to his recent Deepsea Challenge expedition. But this only tells half of the story. On the same night, our shooter Kristian and I were privileged to also watch the first Australian screening of the ‘Deepsea Challenge 3D’ documentary. I’m not usually one to scribble notes during a movie, but in this one I couldn’t resist. So much wisdom, on topics as varied as parenting, success, dealing with haters and the best quote of all: “I’d have been hanging meat all over the sub if I thought there’d be a 60-foot shark or squid down there.”
(On the journey) “There have been more people on the surface of the moon than to the bottom of the Mariana Trench.”
(On building the submersible vehicle) “It’s important to cultivate a healthy paranoia in the engineering of a vehicle like this.”
(On parenting) You should give your kids more than your presence you should give them your example.
(On diving to the depths) “This is my church. Down here you feel the power of nature’s imagination, which is so much greater than our own.”
(His wife, on life) “If you don’t go and do something in life, nothing happens.” – Suzy Amis.
(On leadership) “Any deficit a member of your team has is your fault if you picked them.”
(On the journey down) “The deeper we go the smaller the life forms…”
(Looking at the Rolex Deepsea Challenge Watch strapped to an arm of the submersible) “Let’s have a look at this watch.., still ticking no problem – 16000 pounds per sq inch no problem!”
(On the future) “I hope there’s some kid out there dreaming of worlds we can’t even imagine.”(On seeing monsters) “I’d have been hanging meat all over the sub if I thought there’d be a 60-foot shark or squid down there.”
(On his studies) “I switched to an English major from astronomy because I wanted to tell stories.”(On success) “The secret to success is preparing yourself mentally for when opportunity strikes.”
(On haters) “Don’t internalize anything the naysayers say and always keep a strong sense of the possible.”
(On Avatar) “The Avatar films are important to me because they have a message, which is to protect the natural world and to protect indigenous culture.”